📄️ Remote Imports
In this section we'll go over remote imports of resources and how you can even remotely import your own theme to let your theme update automatically for your users. With remote resourced, you need to ensure that the page serving your resource provides the correct MIME type. If you're not sure, or don't what what that is, don't worry. We'll talk about it a bit below.
📄️ Accessibility
As mentioned before, Discord has several accessibility options that users may take advantage of either out of necessity or just out of preference. Either way, it's a good idea to try to adhere to these the best we can.
📄️ Transparency
📄️ User Configuration
Letting users configure your theme to their personal preference is one of the most important pieces to add to your theme to give it a nice polish. You'll find that many users love to be able to play around with and tweak these values to their preference.